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CRY Blog

Enhancing Children's Education in India through Parental Involvement

Education is the cornerstone of a child's development and future success. While schools play a vital role in imparting knowledge, the involvement of parents in their children'....

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CRY Blog

Nurturing Health & Growth for Children of India

At CRY UK, we believe every child deserves a happy and healthy environment. Healthy diet is an important factor for a child's physical, mental and cognitive development. The n....

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CRY Blog

Empowering the Children of India

We at CRY UK believe that all children have the potential to be agents of change and the ability to engage in dialogue about the issues that matter to them. Our work revolve....

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CRY Blog

Empowering India’s Children With Child and Adolescent Resource Centre Program

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of children in India, particularly in terms of education. The closure of 1.5 million schools due to lockdowns has increased the ris....

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CRY Blog

Pragnya's Incredible Journey: From Fields To Dreams

Pragnya, a 16-year old high spirited girl lived in a small village of Karnataka. She loved dancing, hanging out with friends, and exploring new things. Life was good until trag....

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