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CRY Blog

Understanding The Impact of Child Labour on Mental Health and Addressing the Challenges

Child labour is not just a violation of children's rights; it also has profound implications for their mental health and well-being. Across the globe, millions of children are....

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CRY Blog

Our Collective Responsibility: Building A Future Free From Child Labor

Child labor is not just a problem; it's a moral imperative that demands our collective attention and action. As a society, we cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the exploita....

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CRY Blog

Breaking Barriers: Creating Opportunities for Underprivileged Children

Every child deserves the chance to pursue their passions and dreams, free from the constraints of poverty and exploitation. Yet, over 33 million child labourers go to work ins....

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CRY Blog

Empowering Futures: The Role of Education in Combatting Child Labour

Education has long been recognized as a powerful tool for breaking the cycle of poverty and exploitation. For children trapped in the clutches of child labour, access to educa....

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CRY Blog

Behind the Numbers: Understanding the Impact of Child Labour on Health and Education

Child labour is not just a statistic; it's a harsh reality that profoundly affects the health and education of millions of children worldwide. Behind each number lies a person....

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