Understanding The Impact of Child Labour on Mental Health and Addressing the Challenges

Published on July 23, 2024

Child labour is not just a violation of children's rights; it also has profound implications for their mental health and well-being. Across the globe, millions of children are forced into work that deprives them of their childhood, education, and a nurturing environment. This article explores the devastating impact of child labour on mental health, and discusses strategies to address these challenges effectively.

Understanding the psychological toll:

Child labour exposes children to various forms of exploitation, abuse, and hazardous conditions that can have lasting effects on their mental health:

CRY UK's efforts towards addressing these challenges:

Child labour not only robs children of their childhood but also jeopardizes their mental health and future prospects. Addressing the psychological impact of child labour requires a comprehensive approach that prioritizes education, protection and the involvement of a supportive community.

By working together, we can create a world where every child can grow up in a safe and nurturing environment, free from exploitation and with the opportunity to thrive.

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